Agility Prime

The Third Revolution in Aerospace

The Agility Prime program is catalyzing the transformative vertical lift aircraft sector by fostering advancements for both commercial applications and military needs.


Agility Prime

Agility Prime is the Air Force’s transformative vertical lift program that is partnering with the hybrid and electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) commercial industry to propel the third revolution in aerospace.

Agility Prime By The Numbers

Coalescence of Three Key Technology Areas

  • Electric: Large distributed electric or hybrid-electric propulsion systems
  • Autonomy: Increasing automation and Simplified Vehicle Operations
  • Manufacturing: Advanced manufacturing and materials

U.S. Technological Leadership and Accelerating eVTOL fielding

  • Strategic: Access to zero emission and runway independent aircraft
  • Process: Establish new technology transition paths with contracts, certification, and budgeting
  • Product: Field operationally relevant air mobility from over 60 potential use cases

Collaborative Risk Reduction

  • Technical: Opportunities for collaborative test and evaluation
  • Regulatory: Early military airworthiness review, NASA, and FAA partnerships
  • Financial: Contracts for testing and early use cases

Diverse partnerships

  • Academia: Support research institutions by accelerating technologies through Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs
  • Industry: Foster industrial base relationships and capabilities
  • Investor: Build relationships across the investment ecosystem through AFVentures
  • Interagency: Enable increased collaboration with the FAA and NASA
  • State and Local: Identify and partner with initial operations markets
  • International: Identify potential markets and coalition partners
  • Acquisition: Identify future program office partnerships and technology transition pathways
  • Laboratory: Support technology development and demonstration
  • Warfighter: Inform future capability planning, near-term use cases, and collaboration across the DoD

Work With Agility Prime

Innovative Capabilities Opening (ICO)

Transformative Vertical Flight

Agility Prime is pursuing prototype projects that will help the government assess the transformative vertical flight market and technologies. This effort seeks to establish a collaborative strategy with industry and investors that accelerates fielding of the most promising technologies for savings and utility to the Government, as well as potential commercial market success. As these systems mature toward certified commercial operations, the Government will identify opportunities for early adoption, with the potential for procurement and fielding through this ICO.


Agility Prime is accelerating key enabling technologies that support transformative vertical flight. This effort involves tech scouting and collaboration with industry to understand the current state of maturity and gaps within these technology areas. Agility Prime has supported SBIR and STTR proposals by endorsing applications as “Customer” as well as providing letters of support in collaboration with other Program Offices.

Learn more about the SBIR/STTR program
Visit AFVentures
Contact us for letter of support requests
Agility Prime


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